Winchester Christmas Print Fair 2024

I really enjoy participating in the Winchester Print Fair, it’s a great opportunity to catch up with fellow printmakers and the atmosphere is always buzzing. I like to plan the display beforehand and treat it as a giant collage exercise. I’ve made a tall lightweight stand, that catches the eye from a distance and maximises the table top space. For my seventh print fair, I’ve produced some new themes; ‘companionship’ and ‘tasty morsels’, to add to the existing ‘landscape/maps’. I note conversations with stallholders, visitors and customers, it helps to review the display and record ideas for new work. In terms of the display design I have always composed in rows, but next time the format will be totem pole columns. I feel a visit to either Pitt Rivers or the British Museum coming on. New ideas include producing colour versions of recent work and having a display solely of colour prints..


Etching process


The Morning Walk video