The Morning Walk video

The Morning Walk

I spend so much time walking with my dog 'Bruce', so I decided to film our morning walk from his perspective, using a 'GoPro' video camera attached to his harness. The titles refer to invented names for parts of our suburban, some are self explanatory others more obscure: the Avenue; a line of elm trees, Crabapple mash; a tree whose apples get trodden on, The Judd; a severely trimmed hip high square hedge - reminiscent of a Donald Judd Minimalist sculpture. By naming these ordinary non descript features the walk takes on more significance, our dog is eight years old and we have walked this route most mornings - so its a well trodden path, which I can easily visualise in my mind. Because Bruce will often stop, I am forced to slow down and notice and appreciate our surroundings and I usually feel calm and relaxed during our stroll. Occassionally there are incidents, sparked by Bruce's reaction to squirrels, deer and some other dogs when the tranquil mood is disturbed as he pulls on the lead, I dare not let him off because he loves to chase. The walk last for twenty minutes but its been edited down to three to capture the gist of it.


Winchester Christmas Print Fair 2024


Society of Graphic Fine Art 2024